Citiq Landis+Gyr Prepaid Meter 1P
SKU G009
Original price
R 0
Original price
R 479.95
Original price
R 479.95
Original price
Current price
R 479.95
R 479.95
R 479.95
Current price
R 479.95
The Cashpower Gem Lite is a compact single
phase; two wire; 80 Amp; STS keypad prepayment
meter in a British Standard (BS) housing.
The meter is suitable for new installations or
retrofitting of existing bottom connected
electromechanical or electronic watt-hour meters.
The meter is easy to install and boasts an easy to
read; language independent Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD) and a wide range of information registers
which can be easily accessed by pressing the
information button on the keypad and then entering
the number of the register. (Refer to the User Guide
for more information.)
The meter operates on Landis+Gyr’s version 12.3
meter firmware; and therefore provides only for
STS prepayment functionality mode.
Single phase; two wire; keypad prepayment
Proven Cashpower keypad technology
Maximum current: 80 Amps
Compact meter in BS format
Meter fitted with LCD and a keypad
Clear language independent icons on the
display and membrane of the meter
Clear load switch status indicator
Scrolling display for 11 digit STS meter serial
Displays last 50 vouchers entered. (Displays
the 20 digit STS voucher and the date and time
of the voucher)
Mechanically sealed against tampering
Significant Reverse Energy detection
Programmable software power limit
Advanced decommissioning and
commissioning feature for easy installation
Tamper detection facility
Meter enclosure manufactured with UV stable;
flame-retardant plastic material
Degree of protection; IP54
Improved sealing against ingress of insects
Supports short codes (refer to user guide)
Conforms to IEC62055-31
Exceeds IEC62055-31 requirements for voltage
Impulse withstand
Fully STS compliant (IEC62055-41/51)
Tamper Detection Facility
Cashpower Gem Lite is mechanically sealed
against tampering through the use of a factorysealed screw plug on the rear panel and a utilitysealed wire seal on the front of the meter. The use
of these mechanical seals ensures that there are
visible signs of tampering if unauthorised entry to
the system is attempted.
In addition; the meter is equipped with a tamper
sensor that will automatically disconnect the power
to the load in the event of tampering.
The meter includes a Significant Reverse Energy
(SRE) detection feature. If the line and load wires
are swapped during installation; the meter will
continue to operate and decrement credit; however;
the meter can be factory-programmed to tamper
and disconnect the load should SRE be detected.
Virtual Token Carrier (VTC) port
The Gem Lite is fitted with an industry standard
VTC port at the rear of the meter. While this port is
typically used to program the meter during the
manufacturing process; it can also be used to
extract vital meter information; such as remaining
Surge Immunity
The meter exceeds the IEC62055-31 Voltage
Impulse Withstand of 4kV.
phase; two wire; 80 Amp; STS keypad prepayment
meter in a British Standard (BS) housing.
The meter is suitable for new installations or
retrofitting of existing bottom connected
electromechanical or electronic watt-hour meters.
The meter is easy to install and boasts an easy to
read; language independent Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD) and a wide range of information registers
which can be easily accessed by pressing the
information button on the keypad and then entering
the number of the register. (Refer to the User Guide
for more information.)
The meter operates on Landis+Gyr’s version 12.3
meter firmware; and therefore provides only for
STS prepayment functionality mode.
Single phase; two wire; keypad prepayment
Proven Cashpower keypad technology
Maximum current: 80 Amps
Compact meter in BS format
Meter fitted with LCD and a keypad
Clear language independent icons on the
display and membrane of the meter
Clear load switch status indicator
Scrolling display for 11 digit STS meter serial
Displays last 50 vouchers entered. (Displays
the 20 digit STS voucher and the date and time
of the voucher)
Mechanically sealed against tampering
Significant Reverse Energy detection
Programmable software power limit
Advanced decommissioning and
commissioning feature for easy installation
Tamper detection facility
Meter enclosure manufactured with UV stable;
flame-retardant plastic material
Degree of protection; IP54
Improved sealing against ingress of insects
Supports short codes (refer to user guide)
Conforms to IEC62055-31
Exceeds IEC62055-31 requirements for voltage
Impulse withstand
Fully STS compliant (IEC62055-41/51)
Tamper Detection Facility
Cashpower Gem Lite is mechanically sealed
against tampering through the use of a factorysealed screw plug on the rear panel and a utilitysealed wire seal on the front of the meter. The use
of these mechanical seals ensures that there are
visible signs of tampering if unauthorised entry to
the system is attempted.
In addition; the meter is equipped with a tamper
sensor that will automatically disconnect the power
to the load in the event of tampering.
The meter includes a Significant Reverse Energy
(SRE) detection feature. If the line and load wires
are swapped during installation; the meter will
continue to operate and decrement credit; however;
the meter can be factory-programmed to tamper
and disconnect the load should SRE be detected.
Virtual Token Carrier (VTC) port
The Gem Lite is fitted with an industry standard
VTC port at the rear of the meter. While this port is
typically used to program the meter during the
manufacturing process; it can also be used to
extract vital meter information; such as remaining
Surge Immunity
The meter exceeds the IEC62055-31 Voltage
Impulse Withstand of 4kV.